Home About Me

Jhonathan's Website

My name is Jhonathan Malagon
I like to play soccer and many things in life
My aspiration is to follow Jesus
...wanna see some code?

Here is a quote from a random website:

"Bored with the web? Think you've seen it all? Surf the web a new way with this random website generator. Bounce around thousands of crazy, pointless, funny, intereractive, informative and interesting webistes made by the most odd people online. And that says something."

My Priorities in life

  1. Be like Jesus
  2. Family ®
  3. Friends ↓
Picture of my friends Picture of my friends

Some Tables

Year Favorite Class
2019 CSCI 261
2020 CSCI 262
Month Air Condition Cost
June $120
July $80
August $120
September $80
Total Cost: $400
Header Header 2 Header
row1 col1
row2 col1

Some Code

a = "have "
b = "a "
c = "nice day!"

print( a + b + c )

output: have a nice day!